HOME Environmental Review Documents
- ERR Consultant List
- Radon Single Family Plan Addendum (effective 09.17.2024)
- HEROS Environmental Review Completion Guide-HOME Single-Family (rev. 10.28.2024)
- KHC Radon Testing and Mitigation Policy (rev. 08.15.2024)
- Endangered Species: 2023-28 Categorical Consultation Agreement between USFWS and KHC
- HUD Noise Standards Update Training Slides
- HUD Noise Guidebook
- Tribal Consultation Checklist
- Farmland Conversion Rating Guidance for Form AD-1006
- Small Airport Noise Worksheet 2018
- Training on Completion of Environmental Review Records for HOME Single-Family Development
- HUD Environmental Assessment (EA) Factors Guidance
- Red River Kentucky NWSRS Map
- KY Sole Source Aquifers Map.pdf
- Aboveground Storage Tank Data Guidance (When tank owners are not responsive)