This Notice supersedes Notice CPD-14-012 and provides guidance to Continuums of Care (CoC) and recipients of CoC Program (24 CFR part 578) funding for permanent supportive housing (PSH) regarding the order in which eligible households should be served in all CoC Program-funded PSH. This Notice reflects the new definition of chronically homeless as defined in CoC Program interim rule as amended by the Final Rule on Defining “Chronically Homeless” (herein referred to as the Definition of Chronically Homeless final rule) and updates the orders of priority that were established under the prior Notice.
HUD seeks to achieve two goals through this Notice:
- Establish an updated order of priority for dedicated and prioritized PSH which CoCs are encouraged to adopt in order to ensure that those persons with the longest histories residing in places not meant for human habitation, in emergency shelters, and in safe havens and with the most severe service needs are given first priority.
- Establish a recommended order of priority for PSH that is not dedicated or prioritized for chronic homelessness in order to ensure that those persons who do not yet meet the definition of chronic homelessness but have the longest histories of homelessness and the most severe service needs, and are therefore the most at risk of becoming chronically homeless, are prioritized.
Please note that the final regulation on the definition of “chronically homeless” was published in the Federal Register on December 4, 2015. CoC recipients must comply with the regulations promulgated by this rule as of January 15, 2016.