In July 2014, HUD published the Notice CPD-014-12–Notice on Prioritizing Persons Experiencing Chronic Homelessness and Other Vulnerable Homeless Persons in Permanent Supportive Housing and Recordkeeping Requirements for Documenting Chronic Homeless Status (Prioritization Notice) which provided guidance to Continuums of Care (CoC) and recipients of Continuum of Care (CoC) Program (24 CFR part 578) funding for permanent supportive housing (PSH) regarding the order in which eligible households should be served in all CoC Program-funded PSH. The Prioritization Notice also established recordkeeping requirements for all recipients of CoC Program-funded PSH that includes beds that are required to serve persons experiencing chronic homelessness as defined in 24 CFR 578.3, in accordance with 24 CFR 578.103 and are applicable for all program participants entering these projects following the effective date of the Prioritization Notice.
Since publishing the Prioritization Notice, HUD has received many questions and requests for clarification. The questions and answers provided in this document are all based on actual questions that HUD received. The guidance contained herein aims to provide additional information and clarity for CoCs and recipients of CoC Program-funded PSH.