KHC Conflict of Interest Guidance (rev. 11/2022)

KHC’s Housing Contract Administration (HCA) releases Conflict of Interest Guidance

New guidance has been released on Conflict of Interest for programs administered by HCA. This guidance includes policies, procedures, definitions, and a decision tree. Agencies administering one of the following programs are responsible for reading and implementing this guidance to ensure program quality. 

  • HOME Single-Family only
  • Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) Single-Family only
  • Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)
  • Continuum of Care (CoC)
  • Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA)

For conflict of interest guidance on KHC administered multifamily funding programs (HOME Rental, AHTF Rental, SMAL, HTF, Tax Credit, Risk Share, Exchange/ARRA, TCAP/ARRA, etc.), please contact your compliance specialist in the Multifamily Compliance Department.

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